JFHQ-DODIN has knowledgeable, engaging speakers who can discuss a wide variety of topics with the community. From general officers to civilian employees, The command offers a wealth of experience in everything from military leadership and traditions to cyber defense capabilities. Whether you need a dynamic keynote speaker to kick off a special event or want to learn more about the Cyber Domain, we can potentially provide a speaker who meets your needs.
To request a JFHQ-DODIN Senior Leader Speaker for your upcoming event, please complete this form in its entirety - we cannot process your request until we receive a completed version.
If there are fields that do not apply, please type “N/A”. DO NOT LEAVE IT BLANK or it will result in a non-submission.
This request process signifies an official request for a speaker. We recommend you submit at least 45 days before the event or we cannot guarantee we will process your invitation in time for a final decision.
After completing this form, please send a current agenda (draft agendas are acceptable) for your event to steven.j.mavica.civ@mail.mil
NOTE: Submission of this Speaker Invitation Request Form does not authorize the requestor to use the name, title, photograph, or biography of the requested speaker as well as U.S. Cyber Command in any form of marketing materials. Official notification of acceptance or decline will be provided to the requestor upon completion of our legal and public affairs vetting process.