JFHQ-DODIN Celebrates a Decade of Leading Unity of Command to Secure, Operate, and Defend DoD Networks
Lt. Gen. Paul T. Stanton, the commander of Joint Force Headquarters-Department of Defense Information Network (JFHQ-DODIN) and director of the Defense Information Systems Agency, congratulates the JFHQ-DODIN staff anf offers words of encouragement about the future of the command during a January 15 ceremony commemorating the 10th anniversary of the command. Stanton also took the opportunity to announce the command's new strategy, titled “How We Prevail,” which seeks to optimize today’s conditions while forging groundbreaking changes that lead to significant shifts in developing situational awareness and understanding through data management, daily operations processes and reporting, capability development, policy, and resourcing.

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Photo by: Steven Mavica |  VIRIN: 250115-D-OR787-3035.JPG